The Eyes Of Pompeii: Mirror With Classical Influenced Frame

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There, the eyes are sunlight on a broken column…

Beveled edge ‘window’ form mirror by Lillian August* Fine Furniture. It has a golden tone wooden frame, is in like new condition and measures 53 3/4 inches tall by 36 3/4 wide.

The shape of this mirror reflects the influence/imitation of ancient architecture, the elements that Vitruvius would have called triglyphs (for example see: De architectura, Book IV, ch. 2).

Later this treatment, when combined with curved arches over windows (to ‘liven up’ the face of the building), would be again popularized by architects such as Palladio who arrived at this construct through the study of ancient ruins and the works of Vitruvius. Palladio’s four books on architecture would become incredibly popular and his influence can be seen in buildings world-wide.

Palladio would have been cold in his grave for nearly a score of years when Pompeii was briefly rediscovered and again promptly forgotten for about another 150 years. It was then turned into a tourist attraction, art warehouse, theme park and learning center.

Most notably the rediscovery would influence western art in particular Romanticism of the early 19th century.  All in all there is a sense of deja vu familiarity, a sense that we’ve seen this all before.


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The painting in the slide show is Briullov’s The Last Day of Pompeii.

* “Lillian August is an artist, a painter, an interior designer, a textile designer and a furniture designer. The collections exemplify Lillian’s attention to a sophisticated, vibrant and engaging lifestyle. From a classic European style to the handcrafted antique reproductions entitled Antiquaire, a cosmopolitan vision is realized… perfect for the distinguished collector of fine furniture.”

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