B List Blog Series: Salacious Souvenirs

IMG_3639 In two sizes too.

In my mind this falls into a couple different categories: such as WTF were they thinking? What’s with fetishistizing the exotic other? What’s the deal with racism and genitalia? Who thought to donate this? Actually, they arrived in separate donations so who though to donate this twice?

What the heck  though .  . . mission is more important than the tastes of any one individual so we’ll sell this to help our client families.

The tallest is 8 1/2 inches tall with a spring loaded variable dimension of about 2 inches.

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One comment

  1. It’s interesting in that this sort of thing seems to cross various cultures as to trinkets foisted off on tourists seeking a naughty trinket to take home. I have a similar item carved by Aluet’s in Alaska in which a proboscis pops out of a what would appear to be a Billiken….yard sale vs trinket find without really being aware of the true nature of the find.


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