Amazing New Water Closet Gallery Show!


We’re proud to present a stunning new visual and conceptual work by the celebrated and elusive Portland artist, Eckaardt W. Londris.

The “         ” series celebrates anomie and cultural isolation in a rapidly changing neighborhood and world by paying oblique homage to R. Mutt’s ‘Readymade’ zeitgeist.

The juxtaposition of objects in place is a tangential commentary on the ephemeral nature of the mind. What starts out as contemplation soon becomes transmuted into a manifesto of distress, leaving behind a sense of completion and the possibilities of new beginnings.

Select pieces shown below. More info, and works available at the Water Closet Gallery, inside the Estate Store at 3969 NE MLK, Portland, open daily, 10 am to 4 pm.

Interested in the full exhibit catalog? Click here


BoundariesMutt II


Flip, Turn Meta-phor


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