Victorian “Quilted” Glassware

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Several antique stemmed glasses and two ewers. This style, known to some as ‘quilted diamond’ has been around since the early 19th century. There are hard to date but my guess is that they are late 19th century. There are a few hints. They have some subtle mold marks but are also hand worked, suggesting that the glass process hadn’t been fully automated. From my experience with bottles this is a good indicator of what was going in industry wide in the last few decades of the 1800’s.

However they are older than 1942. How can I tell? On a whim I checked them for trace amounts of uranium with the black light and some of them glowed, faintly but a little. In fact I discovered a new to me variety of uranium glass. The pale green and clear types I’ve seen before but glowing blue is new to me. In 1942 uranium supplies were seized for the war effort and so provide a pretty good temporal marker (a.k.a. terminus ante quem).

The amber glass is regular humdrum silica.

The glasses are 6 1/2 inches tall, the ewers are 7 inches tall.

There seems to be no really good way to split these up for sale so I’ve tried it anyway.

Two antique stemmed amber glasses with matching ewer, $25.

Four  antique stemmed various colored trace uranium bearing glasses and ewer, $55.


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